Hi all xoopsers!!
I am trying to make SmartyMenu (
http://www.phpinsider.com/php/code/SmartyMenu/) work in my (xoops) site (but of course I couldn't, that's why I'm writing here... :P )
I thought the best option would be to insert the SmartyMenu code in the theme.html webpage. But (opposite to what the author of SmartyMenu suggests) I am not familiar enough with Smarty templating language.
I have tried to call a php file I generated (by means of a ) from the theme.html, but theme.html does not have any php code at all!!
How could I insert the SmartyMenu code in my web page?
- I have put the Smarty functions and plugins where it is said to do so
- I would like to have this dropdown menu in EVERY page that is loaded, that is why I thought as a good option having the SmartyMenu called from (my) theme.html
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Juan J