After upgrading to XOOPS 2.0.10 Beta 3 I noticed my custom block not showing.
After several hours debugging my css, html, tables, etc. I finally tracked it down to mainfile.php (i overwrote it with the 2.0.92 mainfile.php and the block returned).
Sifting through mainfile.php I see that system_dummy_block.html is the file that allows for custom block content.
My guess is that something broke with this feature between 2.0.92 and 2.0.10 Beta 3.
The best way to verify this is to add a new block and use "{X_SITEURL}" for the content (or anything really). Set the block to visible and see if it shows up.
Hopefully this is the right place to post this bug as I'd love to find a solution.
Thanks much!