possible to change font color in headlines?
  • 2005/4/8 5:27

  • phrozin

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/3/28


I've gotten XOOPS installed and setup like I think it should be, but I'm having a problem changing the font color of the {$channel.title} variable. Knowing nothing about xml I'm at a total loss. I *think that it's supposed to go here in system_rss.html template file.

xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

/* here is where I think it's supposed to go -> */    <{$channel_title}>

If anyone has had a problem similar to this, please let me know how to do it.


Re: possible to change font color in headlines?
  • 2005/4/8 7:52

  • kavaXtreme

  • Repository Maintainer

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/1/17

What module does this question relate to?

Text colors in XOOPS are primarily controlled by the theme's cascading style sheet (CSS). It is called style.css and is located in the theme directory of the theme you have activated. You can learn more about it here.

I say primarily because some modules, such as newbb, have their own style sheets which are located in their root directory. If the module you are using has its own style sheet, you can modify it to achieve your results.

Re: possible to change font color in headlines?
  • 2005/4/8 23:55

  • phrozin

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/3/28

Hello kavaXtreme,

The module is "Headlines" v.1 "modules/xoopsheadline/"

I've looked through the "modules/xoopsheadline" folder but didn't find a CSS stylesheet so I'm assuming it's using the main CSS. The problem I'm having is when you setup a rss feed, you set the headline to something like "RSS FEED - SOMETHING" and it shows "RSS FEED - SOMETHING" in the top of the block in the same color font as the stories. So people are asking to change the color so it's easier to determine the titles from the stories.

I hope this all makes sense. I know I'm getting confused lol.

On a side story, would you happen to know how to put a custom block in the footer? or at least below the main content on the top page?


Re: possible to change font color in headlines?

You would need to create a new class for the specific text area that you want to change and add the class and style info to style.css in your theme's directory.

Re: possible to change font color in headlines?
  • 2005/4/9 1:44

  • phrozin

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/3/28


jdseymour wrote:
You would need to create a new class for the specific text area that you want to change and add the class and style info to style.css in your theme's directory.

That's what I thought too, but when I created a
.titlefont font-styleitalicbackground-color#F6F6F6; color: #FF0000; }

*Edit :: Fixed it, see my last post in this topic.

Re: possible to change font color in headlines?

I don't think it is possible to put a block in the footer, but, in the blocks admin page adjusting the weight to a higher number than any other blocks on the main page will put it at the bottom. If you use a module for your main page then this would cause a problem as the block would (in most themes) show above the module content.


Add block to footer
  • 2005/4/9 10:09

  • kavaXtreme

  • Repository Maintainer

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/1/17

This FAQ should do the trick for you. It applies to the header, but it should be pretty obvious how to apply it to the footer. And if not you can always post again.

Re: Add block to footer
  • 2005/4/9 22:29

  • phrozin

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/3/28


kavaXtreme wrote:
This FAQ should do the trick for you. It applies to the header, but it should be pretty obvious how to apply it to the footer. And if not you can always post again.

Cool deal! I must have over-looked that in the faq section.

I'll try it out as soon as I get this css thing sorted out. Thanks for the link!


Re: possible to change font color in headlines?
  • 2005/4/10 0:23

  • phrozin

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2005/3/28

by golly gee whiz I did it!


ok. A quick picture to show what I've been trying to do (I know I understand better when I see something verses being told.

Resized Image

ok, now to do this this is what I did ::

Open "/themes/(your_theme)/style.css"
scroll to the bottom and add
.MyRSS border-bottom1px solid whiteborder-top1px solid whiteborder-left1px solid whiteborder-right1px solid whitebackground-color#2F5376; font-style: italic; }
.MyRSS a:link color#990000;  text-decoration: none; }
.MyRSS a:visited color#990000; text-decoration: none; }
.MyRSS a:hover color#ff6600; text-decoration: none; }
.MyRSS a:active color#990000; text-decoration: none; }

Save and close

Open "/modules/xoopsheadline/templates/blocks/xoopsheadline_block_rss.html"

change it to this

*Note: I believe it is case sensitive so make sure you type it correctly.

Save and close

that will give you the above pictured headlines except the black background.


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