Sounds very much like a permissions issue on the module's sub folders. Log in with ftp and check the permissions on module folders and their sub directories. All folders/subfolders should be chmod 755. All files chmod 644.
chmod 444 mainfile.php
chmod 777 templates_c/ cache/ uploads/
If you have shell access to your web space, you can use the following commands to recursively set the permissions on your entire site. Just copy and paste the following commands into your ssh session while in your xoops_root:
The following sets the appropriate permissions on all your directories. If you get an error that the directory doesn't exist, just remove a "/*" set until it works.
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*/*/*/*/*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*/*/*/*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*/*/*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*/*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*/*
chmod -Rv 755 ./*
This will set the appropriate permissions on all of your files. If you get an error that the file doesn't exist, just remove a "/*" set until it works.
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*/*/*/*/*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*/*/*/*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*/*/*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*/*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*/*.*
chmod -Rv 644 ./*.*
This will take care of the exceptions mentioned above.
chmod 777 cache/ templates_c/ uploads
chmod 444 mainfile.php
Hope this helps.