Multilanguage XOOP
  • 2005/2/4 10:47

  • jonniUK

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2005/1/31

I have found my necessary language pack and managed to install it. Everything works fine. However the language can be changed only from the Administrators Preferences menu. Is it possible to expose to the user the possibility to change language??

For example like one the web page: http://nunrg.s57.xrea.com/members/. They have "Change language" menu available for every one.

Is it possible to do the same using standard XOOPS ???

Re: Multilanguage XOOP

Do you want the language of the CONTENT to change or "just" the site's language?

Look at Marcan's Multi-Language hack and see if it is something you can use

Re: Multilanguage XOOP
  • 2005/2/5 23:49

  • jonniUK

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2005/1/31


Mithrandir wrote:
Do you want the language of the CONTENT to change or "just" the site's language?
Look at Marcan's Multi-Language hack and see if it is something you can use

I want to change just site's language. The "Multi-Language hack" is very heavy hack.

It seems to me that it has to be some more simple way.
It is very easy to change the language from administrators menu.
For example if I save in cookie the "language" and generating html page will use different language files everything have to be fine. And without heavy hacks.


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