  • 2005/1/18 6:11

  • Crash73

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/1/8 2

I have flashchat 3.9 and how can I merge it into Xoops?It does have an installer for XOOPS 2.0.7 and Ive got XOOPS person that made Flashchat said it was made for XOOPS 2.0.7 but can be changed to the newer Xoops.Does anyone know how I can do this or change the code so it will install on the new Xoops?

Re: Merge

You mean it doesn't install on
Modules working with 2.0.7 should work fine with

Re: Merge
  • 2005/1/18 7:51

  • Crash73

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/1/8 2

Yup,thats what i mean.I upload it and then when I go to install it,it looks like it installed becouse it said it did with a few lines,but when I look at the modules it shows no pic and says module could not be found.Then when I uninstall it,it does nothing and I dont know what to do.Thats all i need installed to make my site complete.Know what might be wrong?

Re: Merge
  • 2005/1/18 7:52

  • Crash73

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/1/8 2

Integrating FlashChat with XOOPS v. 2.0.7

Welcome! This tutorial describes how to integrate FlashChat with your XOOPS system. After the integration is completed, FlashChat will draw information from your XOOPS user's database, so that only registered users of your site will be able to access FlashChat. In addition, XOOPS administrators will automatically become moderators of the chat.

Step 1: Edit /inc/common.php to use the XOOPS integration class

Before uploading to your server, you should locate the "common.php" file, which is located in the "inc" folder of FlashChat. There is one small edit that you must make to this file. In the block of statements which relate to CMS systems, only the line relating to Xoop should be uncommented. In other words, all of the other CMS-related lines should have "//" before them, as shown below (red arrow):

In the main FlashChat folder, there is an "index.php" file, and also an "index_xoops.php" file. You should delete index.php, and rename index_xoops.php to index.php. Thus, index_xoops.php is the NEW index.php file.

Step 2: Upload Files & Set File Permissions

Your FlashChat download comes with a folder called "chat". You should rename this folder to "flashChat" (lower-case "f") and upload it to your web server, in the XOOPS root folder. Please note that Unix and Linux server are case-sensitive with regard to file and folder names.

Within the "flashChat" folder, there is a sub-folder called "inc", and within that there is a file called "config.srv.php". This file must be writable. On Unix and Linux servers, that means CHMODing the file to a writable format, like 755 or 777. You must also ensure that the "appTime.txt" file, within the "appdata" folder, is also writable.

Step 3: Install FlashChat

Now, login as a XOOPS administrator, and open the administration panel. Use the "Modules" link to add the FlashChat module.

FlashChat should be listed in the table of available modules. Click on the "Install" icon, as indicated below.

If you did the previous steps correctly, then you should now see something like this:

Step 4: Start Chatting!

At this point, if you return to your XOOPS home page, you should see FlashChat as a link in the menu. Clicking on this link will load FlashChat's index page, at which point you may login using your XOOPS user name & password.

Alternative Implementation: Directly linking to FlashChat

There is another way to install FlashChat is by directly linking a "block" to FlashChat's flashchat.php file. To do this, choose the "Blocks" option in the XOOPS System menu.

Then, add a new block with the following information. The FlashChat link is:

Start FlashChat

This is the install log for xoops


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