Looking at one of the site made with XOOPS (
http://www.condolegal.com), I've found for the first time what I want, which is make a menu block out of Story topics.
I have installed the module news and defined sory topics and subtopics.
Now what I want to do is buil dmy own block with a php template close to the one used by main menu but where each item correspond to story topics.
I have tried something like :
#table cellspacing="0">
#td id="mainmenu">
#{foreach item=news from=$block.storytopic}>
#a class "menuMain" href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/news/article.php?storytopic=<{$news.topic_id()}>"><{$news.topic_title}>
but it does not work.
Please help or point me to a documentation where I can understand how to link together, php, module classes and template.