I'm looking for a way to use the REMOTE_USER apache server variable to allow people to access my XOOPS driven site. Basically I want XOOPS to accept any user which the variable is set to, createing a new XOOPS account if necessary. Is there any way to do that?
-Kyle Mulka
I've created a site for a dorm at UofM (Bursley Hall) and wanted to have all the users in the dorm be able to access the site without useing a separate username and password from the one they use for everything else at UofM. UofM allows sites to use the central login service called cosign. You can download a module for apache called mod_cosign to be able to handle this kind of authentication. This module, upon authentication sets the REMOTE_USER variable to the username if the password is correct.
More information about cosign is availible at