user details
  • 2004/10/18 11:03

  • wowguild

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2004/10/18

Before i start i'd like to say that i have search the forum before posting , it provided some useful information but nothing specific,

Now to buisness ,

ihave read that there are plans to add customizable user fields to the registration process in version 2.2 and i have to say that i am looking forward to its release.
I have also seen many a thread saying that you can get the same effect by hacking the core files.
However none of these threads detailed which files had to be hacked or which parts needed changing.

I have limited experience with php,mysql and XOOPS CMS but i have access to the files and the database and any pointers as to what i need to change would be much appreciated.

Re: user details


I tried to do just that yesterday, and so far seems to work fine:

1. First I changed the existing user database. I just added the necessary rows to match my needs (I guess you can make a whole new table if you wanted).
2. Then I changed the following files: register.php, include/registerform.php, and kernel/user.php (Depending on what you want to do, you need to add or delete code).

I've managed to change the writing to the database process, but haven't tried the retrieving from the database part. It should be easier...

Just remember to BACKUP ORIGINAL FILES before you try to hack them. Especially since you say you don't know much php.

Hope this helps (at least will give you an idea about where to start), but don't blame me if it doesn't (I'm new to XOOPS myself, and hadn't had change to thoroughly test what I did yesterday).

Re: user details
  • 2004/10/25 22:22

  • wowguild

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2004/10/18

Thanks for directing me towards the files i need to play with , ille post again if i find anything interesting or useful.


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