<{ foreach FIRST }> followed by <{ foreach REMAINDER }>
  • 2004/10/12 5:05

  • TheFinni

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 75

  • Since: 2003/11/25

I was wondering if someone could help me with this issue?

I would like to know if there is a way to use the;

<{foreach item=articles from=$articles}>
title 1
title 2
title 3

and make it like:

<{foreach FIRST item=articles from=$articles}>
title 1
perhaps displaying an image

<{foreach REMAINDER item=articles from=$articles}>
title 2
title 3

If I could do this I could get more creative with how the templates work.

Thanks for any ideas you can provide.

Re: <{ foreach FIRST }> followed by <{ foreach REMAINDER }>

<{counter assign="articlecount" print=false}>
item=article from=$articles}>
$articlecount == 1}>

Re: followed by
  • 2004/10/17 9:02

  • TheFinni

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 75

  • Since: 2003/11/25

Thank you again for your expert advice! I had to play with your advice a little since I didn't completly understand it first...

I found some of your other advice on the forum and thought that perhaps you had placed the <{counter}> in the wrong place when offering me your help.

Here's the link to Mithrandir's other advice in case someone else is reading this post:


I am also going to explain briefly what I did and also post my code.

Basically, I didn't understand the counter assign parameter and had to do some study on Smarty's website:


What I realized is it doesn't matter what name I assign the counter. So I chose my own name.

I also couldn't get the prper numbers and hence my unique first article didn't show up the way I wanted. Therefore I tried to see what numbers I got out by using this in my template:


And for some strange reason my first article had a number of 2 and my second a number of 3.

I managed to change this by adding to the counter assign these parameters: start=1 skip=1 (see Smarty website).

With that said...My unique recent news block article template looks like this:

<{counter assign="storycount" print=false start=1 skip=1}>
<{foreach item=news from=$block.stories}>
<{if $storycount == 1}>

<{$news.artimage}><{$news.title}> : <{$news.introtext}>[read more] (<{$news.date}>)

Other new headlines:
<{/if}><{if $storycount > 1}>-<{$news.title}> (<{$news.date}>)

My website is not done yet so I can post a link but will do so another day.

Hopefully this helps someone else!



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