I like the site. Layout is attractive and straightforward. The colors look good together (IMHO). The menu is adapted well to your purposes. The FAQ on the webmail system you have has a bad link:
http://www.16thedgware.org/mail/faq.htm. Possibly, you would want to remove the email links on your site (to prevent their being harvested and abused: eg..
http://www.16thedgware.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3. I like the renaming of modules (which I suppose accomplishes a link in the main menu - interesting technique):
http://www.16thedgware.org/modules/beavers/. Nice site. It brought to mind the idea that it would be a cool addition to the newsletter that XOOPS puts out to have a part of it where someone explains how they integrate some technique on their XOOPS site.