I'm trying to reduce the clutter to my members on the comment_form.php
I can get rid of the check boxes, but it seems that Smileys need Enable Smileys set to 1 (checked) and also Enable XOOPS Code checked in order for the smileys to display correctly. I've scoured all the comment_*.php files and also class/commentrenderer.php and can't figure out how to hardcode the checked condition so that I can remove the checkboxes from the form.
Also, If Smileys are enabled (checked) but Enable XOOPS code is unchecked then the smileys do not show up properly. Is that Normal?
Help? Where do I hardcode the checked conditions? I'm guessing that commentrenderer uses some sort of text sanitizer to convert the smileys if the correct boxes are checked, but I can't find where or how that is done.
Thanks in advance.