The latest version is 0.4 and is supposed to be 'dynamic' that is compatible with all modules. In fact it is not and there are still some modules that fail to work correctly with the hack turned on.
I have recently removed the hack from my site, because the search engine traffic was not improved with the hack (after 6 months) In fact Google will crawl your site anyway, its only some other S/Es that will refuse to crawl query strings in your URLs (?)
Currently Reynaldo is enguaged in other projects and his support is rather thin, although he is working on a 'selective version' IE you can turn the hack off for certain modules that have problems using it.
This is an important feature that we are waiting for... my advice, first, download the lates version 0.4, then if it's still causing a problem with some modules, dont use it and wait till the selective version comes out.