Here's the scenario....
I'm using the XT-Temas theme changer block to allow my users to have thier theme remembered from visit to visit. Everythings working smoothly with that part of the website until a few days ago.
Few days ago I went through the themes and added my site's logo to each theme. I noticed at that timne some problems with the way that a few thems were displaying things and I decided to delete those themes. So far so good right?
The very next day, I get an email from a user that states that when they come to the website, they can see the website just fine till they log in, and then the get a blank page.
I speant a week tracking this one down to find out that what was happening was the XT-Temas block was reading the config setting for themes allowed, which listed all themes, even the ones that had been deleted. I have to turn off the extra themes, except the defualt one, save that then come back and reselcet the themes as usable and save that for the config setting to change and not have the deleted themes in it anymore.
So, before anyone says anything, this is not an XT-Temas block bug. It's reading the data from the system. There needs to be something in place to update this themes_allowed config setting if it doesn't match the actual thtems available.
Perhaps someone needs to or can develop a module that will run system wide checks on an XOOPS system?
Anyways, this is, in my not so humble opinion, a bug/problem in the XOOPS core.