Here's a modification to the Recent Comments block's template (system_block_comments.html) that will accomplish this:
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" class="outer">
<{foreach item=comment from=$block.comments}>
[color=ff0000]<{if not $comment.module|stristr:'modules/chess'}>[/color]
<tr class="<{cycle values="even,odd"}>">
<td align="center"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/subject/<{$comment.icon}>" alt="" />td>
<td align="center"><{$comment.module}>td>
<td align="center"><{$comment.poster}>td>
<td align="right"><{$comment.time}>td>
Hmmmm ... on second thought, this may not be a good solution. If there are ten comments in the array $block.comments, and seven of them are from the chess module, then only three comments would be displayed. If that's an issue, I could look at the script that generates $block.comments, and see about excluding the chess module comments at that level.