I think I figured out the table creation problem. I had originally hard-coded the table name into the php pages, and I created the table directly in the database, so I forgot to remove the XOOPS prefix from the table when I exported the create table command.
I'll make some modifications per your requests. Is the email address the address for the Breeder? If that's the case, then I'll make the name clickable to bring up an email if the email address exists. No need to create a full separate field for that. Of course if you're wanting to print out a full list it would be nice, but I'm not including that kind of functionality in this initial release.
All of the fields in the listing table are sortable by the headers. Just click on them. :)... Sorry that I didn't include any instructions for that.
And yes, all fields are included in the search function. You can search for a particular color, breeder, etc in addition to searcing for a particular band. Note, too, that the search will search any part of the fields... you don't need to have the entire name or whatever to look something up. The results page for the search is not sortable at this time, but I'll sort it by the band initials by default.
My hosting service has my website offline at the moment for an upgrade, but when it's available again I'll put the PayPal link up on the site. Thanks for the offer! :)