I am not sure whether you were looking for answers, or just giving feedback on this website's content.
I'll answer them anyway just to be on the safe side
- Is a marketing digest about these XOOPS modules available — even a paragraph or two?
- Where are these modules located on the Web site, or are all included in the main XOOPS download?
In the main XOOPS package are News, newBB (forums), Xoopspoll, Sections, Members, MyDownloads, Contact, MyLinks, FAQ, Headlines, Partners
Other modules mentioned may be found in the
Downloads sectionQuote:
- Does the use of each XOOPS module require a separate SQL database?
No. XOOPS is one unit, whether you have 1 module or 25 modules installed and only requires one SQL database.
You can even run several XOOPS installations on one database by specifying a different prefix for each installation.
- How many other XOOPS modules are available?
Loads - check the downloads section, XOOPS 2.x, Modules