You can achieve what you want by using smarty the way I do:
My theme.html is very small. I only use it to look at the module in use and then include a .html file for that module. And ofcourse, when needed, a .html uses its own .css.
The theme.html look something like this:
<{if $xoops_pagetitle == Forum}>
<{include file="themedir/themeforum.html"}>
<{if $xoops_pagetitle == TESTING}>
<{include file="themedir/thememain.html"}>
<{if $xoops_pagetitle == News}>
<{include file="themedir/themenews.html"}>
the included themes are the full theme files. In this case the themeforum.html displays only a few things: the content. I removed all blocks and tables except for header and footer (for banners and stuff).
So the forum theme could look like this (only body in example):
<table width="772" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="head_banner"><{$xoops_banner}>td>
<td class="content">
<td height="20" bgcolor="#9CCFCE" align="center">
This could be usefull when you want to show nothing except the forum. Just selecting all blocks not to display at the forum module won't do. This way you can just set the block to "all pages" and still not let it show at forums (or however you want it).