Another blank page after installation
  • 2004/2/17 11:48

  • Kasch

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 109

  • Since: 2004/2/9 2


I am totally new to this but I have really tried to search the forum for help. The installation was done without any reported errors. Plz visit my blank page at

I am stuck now. When I run the Checker, I get the following list of errors. I have no idea what it means or what I should do about it - please give me an answer for dummies.


connection to MySQL database is ok

Checking XOOPS core files
no checker.xml for /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/checker
no checker.xml for /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/checker/

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/contact
Wrong CRC: contactform.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/mydownloads
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/mydownloads_top.php
Wrong CRC: brokenfile.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: footer.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: modfile.php
Wrong CRC: ratefile.php
Wrong CRC: singlefile.php
Wrong CRC: submit.php
Wrong CRC: topten.php
Wrong CRC: viewcat.php
Wrong CRC: visit.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/mylinks
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/mylinks_top.php
Wrong CRC: brokenlink.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: modlink.php
Wrong CRC: myheader.php
Wrong CRC: ratelink.php
Wrong CRC: singlelink.php
Wrong CRC: submit.php
Wrong CRC: topten.php
Wrong CRC: viewcat.php
Wrong CRC: visit.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/newbb
Wrong CRC: admin/admin_forums.php
Wrong CRC: admin/admin_priv_forums.php
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/newbb_new.php
Wrong CRC: class/class.forumposts.php
Wrong CRC: config.php
Wrong CRC: delete.php
Wrong CRC: edit.php
Wrong CRC: functions.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/forumform.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: newtopic.php
Wrong CRC: post.php
Wrong CRC: reply.php
Wrong CRC: search.php
Wrong CRC: topicmanager.php
Wrong CRC: viewforum.php
Wrong CRC: viewtopic.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/news
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: admin/storyform.inc.php
Wrong CRC: archive.php
Wrong CRC: article.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/news_bigstory.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/news_top.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/news_topics.php
Wrong CRC: class/class.newsstory.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/storyform.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: print.php
Wrong CRC: submit.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/sections
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/system
Wrong CRC: admin/groups/main.php
Wrong CRC: admin/mailusers/mailform.php
Wrong CRC: admin/modulesadmin/main.php
Wrong CRC: admin/modulesadmin/modulesadmin.php
Wrong CRC: admin/users/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin/groups.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopsfaq
Wrong CRC: admin/contentsform.php
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopsheadline
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/headline.php
Wrong CRC: class/headline.php
Wrong CRC: class/headlinerenderer.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/headlinerenderer.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopsmembers
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopspartners
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
file blocks/xoopspoll.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspoll.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspolllog.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspolloption.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspollrenderer.php doesn't exist
file comment_delete.php doesn't exist
file comment_edit.php doesn't exist
file comment_new.php doesn't exist
file comment_post.php doesn't exist
file comment_reply.php doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/aqua.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/blank.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/blue.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/brown.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/darkgreen.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/gold.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/green.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/grey.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/index.html doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/orange.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/pink.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/purple.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/red.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/yellow.gif doesn't exist
file images/xoopspoll_slogo.png doesn't exist
file include/constants.php doesn't exist
file include/index.html doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/index.html
file language/english/mail_template/mail_results.tpl doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
file pollresults.php doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: sql/mysql.sql
file templates/blocks/xoopspoll_block_poll.html doesn't exist
file templates/xoopspoll_index.html doesn't exist
file templates/xoopspoll_results.html doesn't exist
file templates/xoopspoll_view.html doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopspoll
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/xoopspoll.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspoll.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspolllog.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspolloption.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspollrenderer.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: include/constants.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: pollresults.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Updated errors list
  • 2004/2/17 11:53

  • Kasch

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 109

  • Since: 2004/2/9 2

I discovred that the checker was missing a checker.xml file. Sorry about that. Updated errors list:

connection to MySQL database is ok

Checking XOOPS core files
file cache/index.html doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: class/uploader.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopsmailer.php
Wrong CRC: imagemanager.php
Wrong CRC: include/calendarjs.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_view.php
Wrong CRC: include/version.php
Wrong CRC: kernel/config.php
file kernel/handlerregistry.php doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: kernel/member.php
Wrong CRC: kernel/notification.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/user.php
Wrong CRC: mainfile.php
file templates_c/index.html doesn't exist
file uploads/blank.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/index.html doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3dbf8e94a6f72.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3dbf8e9e7d88d.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3dbf8ea81e642.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3dbf8eb1a72e7.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3dbf8edf15093.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3dbf8ee8681cd.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/rank3e632f95e81ca.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4bf386b36.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4d4e4c4f2.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4d6422f04.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4d75edb5e.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4d8676346.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4d99c6eaa.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4daabd491.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4dbc14f3f.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4dcd7b9f4.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4ddd6835f.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4df1944ee.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e02c5440.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e1748cc9.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e29bbcc7.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e398ff7b.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e4c2e742.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif doesn't exist
file uploads/smil3dbd4e7853679.gif doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: user.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/checker
no checker.xml for /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/checker/

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/contact
Wrong CRC: contactform.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/mydownloads
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/mydownloads_top.php
Wrong CRC: brokenfile.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: footer.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: modfile.php
Wrong CRC: ratefile.php
Wrong CRC: singlefile.php
Wrong CRC: submit.php
Wrong CRC: topten.php
Wrong CRC: viewcat.php
Wrong CRC: visit.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/mylinks
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/mylinks_top.php
Wrong CRC: brokenlink.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: modlink.php
Wrong CRC: myheader.php
Wrong CRC: ratelink.php
Wrong CRC: singlelink.php
Wrong CRC: submit.php
Wrong CRC: topten.php
Wrong CRC: viewcat.php
Wrong CRC: visit.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/newbb
Wrong CRC: admin/admin_forums.php
Wrong CRC: admin/admin_priv_forums.php
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/newbb_new.php
Wrong CRC: class/class.forumposts.php
Wrong CRC: config.php
Wrong CRC: delete.php
Wrong CRC: edit.php
Wrong CRC: functions.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/forumform.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: newtopic.php
Wrong CRC: post.php
Wrong CRC: reply.php
Wrong CRC: search.php
Wrong CRC: topicmanager.php
Wrong CRC: viewforum.php
Wrong CRC: viewtopic.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/news
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: admin/storyform.inc.php
Wrong CRC: archive.php
Wrong CRC: article.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/news_bigstory.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/news_top.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/news_topics.php
Wrong CRC: class/class.newsstory.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/comment_functions.php
Wrong CRC: include/notification.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: include/storyform.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: print.php
Wrong CRC: submit.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/sections
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/system
Wrong CRC: admin/groups/main.php
Wrong CRC: admin/mailusers/mailform.php
Wrong CRC: admin/modulesadmin/main.php
Wrong CRC: admin/modulesadmin/modulesadmin.php
Wrong CRC: admin/users/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin/groups.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopsfaq
Wrong CRC: admin/contentsform.php
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: header.php
Wrong CRC: include/search.inc.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopsheadline
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/headline.php
Wrong CRC: class/headline.php
Wrong CRC: class/headlinerenderer.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/headlinerenderer.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/japanese/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopsmembers
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopspartners
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
file blocks/xoopspoll.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspoll.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspolllog.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspolloption.php doesn't exist
file class/xoopspollrenderer.php doesn't exist
file comment_delete.php doesn't exist
file comment_edit.php doesn't exist
file comment_new.php doesn't exist
file comment_post.php doesn't exist
file comment_reply.php doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/aqua.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/blank.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/blue.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/brown.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/darkgreen.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/gold.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/green.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/grey.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/index.html doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/orange.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/pink.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/purple.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/red.gif doesn't exist
file images/colorbars/yellow.gif doesn't exist
file images/xoopspoll_slogo.png doesn't exist
file include/constants.php doesn't exist
file include/index.html doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/index.html
file language/english/mail_template/mail_results.tpl doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
file pollresults.php doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: sql/mysql.sql
file templates/blocks/xoopspoll_block_poll.html doesn't exist
file templates/xoopspoll_index.html doesn't exist
file templates/xoopspoll_results.html doesn't exist
file templates/xoopspoll_view.html doesn't exist
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Checking XOOPS module: /home/dreng/public_html/sormland/modules/xoopspoll
Wrong CRC: admin/index.php
Wrong CRC: admin/menu.php
Wrong CRC: blocks/xoopspoll.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspoll.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspolllog.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspolloption.php
Wrong CRC: class/xoopspollrenderer.php
Wrong CRC: comment_delete.php
Wrong CRC: comment_edit.php
Wrong CRC: comment_new.php
Wrong CRC: comment_post.php
Wrong CRC: comment_reply.php
Wrong CRC: include/constants.php
Wrong CRC: index.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/admin.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/blocks.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/main.php
Wrong CRC: language/english/modinfo.php
Wrong CRC: pollresults.php
Wrong CRC: xoops_version.php

Re: Updated errors list
  • 2004/2/17 12:33

  • robekras

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 187

  • Since: 2002/12/10

Hi Kasch,

that is really strange.

Which XOOPS version (2.0.6) did you install, and which Checker XML file (also for 2.0.6) did you upload.

The only file which should show a wrong CRC is the mainfile.php.

What kind of FTP program do you use?
Maybe the wrong CRC is from a text upload to your site.

Nevertheless, I did turn PHP debug on with checker.php.
Now we can see some error output on your site.

It seems to be, that your template_c directory is not writable.

Re: Updated errors list
  • 2004/2/17 12:53

  • Kasch

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 109

  • Since: 2004/2/9 2

I downloaded the xoops-2.0.6RC.zip, unzipped it and transferred the files to my web hotel. The checker version was 2.0.6. I am using WS FTP Le (freeware version). The following file types are set to ASCII-transferring (if that has anything to do with my problems):


I changed the chmod in templates_c directory to 776. Now I at least get a page full of errors. Better than a blank page I suppose...

Thanks a lot for trying to help me out!

Re: Updated errors list
  • 2004/2/17 13:15

  • robekras

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 187

  • Since: 2002/12/10

I thought it would not make any problems if the files were uploaded with ASCII, because when I read the files (for CRC calculation) I strip the linefeeds.
I will take a further look on that.

You changed the templates_c permissions, but
you still get the Permission denied errors!?

Problems fixed... chmod 777?
  • 2004/2/17 14:01

  • Kasch

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 109

  • Since: 2004/2/9 2

Oh... I tried to change the the permissons in the templates_c directory from 776 to 777 and now it seems to be working fine? How should one chmod the directories mentioned in the XOOPS install instructions - should all of the mentioned directories be set to 777 (read, write and execute)?

If you find any more errors with my installation I will be greatful if you post them here. Thanks again!

Re: Problems fixed... chmod 777?
  • 2004/2/17 15:44

  • marsv0lt

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2004/2/17

i have the same problem i install and theres nothing

i dnt know how to run checker but i have chmod all the requested files correctly, what wrong!?

Re: Problems fixed... chmod 777?
  • 2004/2/17 17:03

  • robekras

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 187

  • Since: 2002/12/10

The checker modul is (at the moment) a really simple module with which you can check the file/directory integrity.
Sometimes it is possible, that there is something wrong with uploaded files (Corrupted files and/or missing files).

It is also possible to set the PHP Debug mode within XOOPS very easy, especially when someone has a 'blank page' problem.
This is what I did on Kasch site.

This module should also be enhanced to check some other things
on a users XOOPS site (one would be checking the directory/file permissions), but as everybody knows, time.....

You can download the checker module from here

and the necessary checker.xml (for XOOPS 2.0.6) files from

Please read the instructions on the download site.

Also, as I have seen with Kasch problem, there could be a problem with checking the files if they have been uploaded in ASCII mode.

Re: Problems fixed... chmod 777?
  • 2004/2/21 18:20

  • Shijk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2003/8/7 2

Hi there,

I've updated my XOOPS site to 2.06 and know I can't mail the users anymore

When I click on EMAIL USERS, and only select WEBMASTERS I receive the mail, but if I also click on REGISTERED USERS I get a blank page after pushing SEND

Can please somebody help me!




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