Ok here it goes, I have been having MAJOR ttroubles setting up the realy nifty modules like Relations, MyGallery, Gallery, XcGallery. Nothing but errors, I dont know what to think of this, I have been trying to get this going, but to no end, its not been so pleasant. Am I alone in this I see everyone using XcGallery which I want to use realy, the relations module realy didnt do anything except give me a headache. I am not an newbie when it comes to web building , but I am not a super user either.... Stewdio helped alot with other things, and got alot accomplished, but I still can't get any further.
Xc Gallery Failes to resize thumbnails, can not save them, even though the permissions are set...
MyGallery , same thing
Gallery is HOPELESS, I like it but with the PHPsafemode_On its usless....