Damaster wrote:
Life is good !
Take some time and be patient until the truth come out!
It's now clear why such "server maintenance" took so long.
By the way, something unacceptable for a company.
And why the Foundation report was never released.
While such poisonous people still pointing the finger to others for their damage to the project and community, in ~ 2years they insult and expelled the XOOPS founder, frozen development, and project fork..
and they claim to give their time for free !!!

But today, Evil lost another battle and that,
that just make my day!

Unite the international community (alike all branches of a tree) and bring stability to the project with focus on Xoops.org
The XOOPS Foundation contacted me to do the server migration because they had decided to have it professionally done and was prepared to pay for it anyways. Instead of going outside of XOOPS for a solution provider, they looked inside XOOPS first.
When approached about this job, I expressed multiple times that I did not feel comfortable charging XOOPS for my services. The representatives from the Foundation insisted that I be paid a fair wage for my work because they expected professional results.
I struck a compromise with the Foundation... I charged 50% my normal rate, which is 25% of the rate the Foundation was prepared to pay me. i.e.: I gave the XOOPS Foundation a 75% discount. Payment was only made for consulting, building, and testing the new web servers; which is the services I performed.
After my contract with the Foundation was disolved, I even went as far as to offer a refund because the contract ending prematurely. It is the stance of the Foundation that I should be paid for services rendered.
And I've got the chat and email logs to prove every last bit of it.
Considering who is doing the attacking here, I was say that this is very much a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
You better go look at the log in your eye before you point out the spec in mine.
Every other service I provided for XOOPS was for
FREE. All of my designs, all of my code, the hundreds of hours babysitting this site, fixing server security vulnerabilities, bringing up crashed sites, nursing these servers and dealing with a$$holes as a moderator, trying to help newcomers, etc... Every last bit of it was done as a volunteer!
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.