Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 9:43

  • sprion

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Great news! Sincerely hope it'd work on Sourceforge servers!! :)

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 9:46

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Hey Solo,

That's cool - I'll wait to hear from your 'investigations' as I've only got a production site to test on so it's not something I can really dig into!

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 15:48

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Back to you on the subject.

I have upgraded the vip-ski.com website from Hans Zbinden main menu, and replaced it with the multiMenu 1.8 version.

Here is how to proceed, step by step.
Unzip the multiMenu file on you computer (Important, you will need them all the way).

1) Open FTP
- Rename your old multiMenu 1.7 version in "multiMenu_bk" juste in case...
- Upload multiMenu 1.8 files.
- Close your FTP.

2) Module Admin
- Upgrade the multiMenu module.

3) Activate your multiMenu block and select the dynamic menu you want.

< ! ! ! Only if you have custom templates set on your site ! ! ! >
This concerns only the custom multimenu block templates.
a. Go in "admin systeme / templates".
b. In your custom templates, regenerate all your multiMenu templates (except : multimenu_dyn.html and multimenu_standard.html - which are sample templates).
c. Now you will need to reupload all your block multimenu templates (don't ask me why, it's the way it is). For this, use the upload function of each and every block template, go on your hard disk where your multiMenu module is unzipped, and selecte each and every corresponding 'templates/blocks/multimenu_block_##.html'.
d. Send them all.
< ! ! ! Only if you have custom templates set on your site ! ! ! >

That's it. Your multiMenu is now upgraded properly (hopefully - lol).

Don't forget (I repeat) that only "mainlinks" activate the "sublinks" and NOT the categories.

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 16:00

  • blueteen

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wonderful menu :)

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/2 19:11

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Hmm Nay joy it'd seem - Ok can I check should the arrangement shown below cause a dropdown menu to appear? I'm not 'entirely' following the category/mainlink distinction - but I think it looks right anyway?

Resized Image

So from what you're saying in your above walkthrough it should just appear? Or do I need to add a left block for a menu in my theme (I didn't need one in 1.7 anyway?)

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/3 9:12

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

That's it. Now, I suppose you have selected the right menu in the block settings.. (Try Drop Down Vertical).

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/3 11:21

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Nope, my menu is now totally empty - it had items before, but now it's just the title and nothing else - I've got items that should be appearing in the admin, just on the site itself they're empty.

Even the old-style menu doesn't show now...

Strange because the multimenu1 I've got integrated into my theme shows fine in the 'oldstyle' way...

Any ideas?

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/3 13:20

  • melsen

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I got a question I'd like to ask before trying this out.

I'm using 1.74 currently... and there is one thing that annoys the hell out of me but which I'm living with.

The issue I have is that all dynamic links expand simultaneously....... what I'd like to see is the ability to designate a parent in which the sublinks should belong to, and ONLY when that parent is clicked should the sublinks expand... and then shouldn't disappear again until clicking on the parent main link.

Currently all sublinks disappear if it's not a page in the same module.. which is HIGHLY annoying.

Also... I'm using MultiMenu for various blocks.. and in each block, I have a main link and dynamic sublinks.

Now, when I click on the link in one block... not only does all the sublinks appear there, but they also appear in the second block.. and I really don't like that.

If you want to see what I mean precisely, try and go to http://renegade.insane-asylum.dk and click on one of the section menu's.... then you will notice that all sublinks, both in that block and the next will appear.

Has this been fixed in 1.8... if not, then please make it work.

This module has amazing potential.. but there definately is some features missing currently that should be added... and that is the designated parent/child setup where sublinks opens and closes depending on the state of the mainlink aka parent.. and not depending on module or other blocks.

Thanks in advance....
Allan Melsen
[size=x-small]Founder of R.I.A.[/size]

Renegade Insane Asylum

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/3 13:38

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

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  • Since: 2003/1/29

@defwind77: which was your previous multiMenu version? Pay attention 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 need to be upgraded first with the upgrade routine first. Check the upgrade directory that for.

@melsen: I know this problem for ages.


melsen wrote:

Has this been fixed in 1.8... if not, then please make it work.

Aye aye, Sir!

How much do you pay for this development?

Seriously, I think I have an 'inbetween' solution about this problem, but I honestly didn't focused my efforts on this at the moment, as the dynamics menus (and some other little bugs) had to keep my full attention.

For your information, the multiMenu project has joined the smartFactory team, and should lead to SmartMenu. Of course (and hopefully), this will be the occasion for us to solve this limitation (I remind this is not a bug, but a known limitation of the module as basically design).

So, be patient please... and remember I do all this for free and have no obligation result for nothing.

Thanks for your comprehension...

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/3 14:00

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Hi Solo,

I was using 1.7 - I might just see if I can reinstall it completely - I'll set up a XSAS site locally, copy my site there and then I'll be able to play more seriously - keep up the great work!

Good job on joining with Smartfactory - they've got an awesome lineup of modules now and pooling talented developers can only be a good thing...


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