Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/2 18:46

  • annie

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 87

  • Since: 2005/7/29

You are a total angel .. all working !!

Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/15 16:58

  • anoniemouse

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2005/8/15

It's not working for me.

I had the same problems as annie did, and I followed the instructions in this thread. Everything seemed to work, but I also got the same "Notice" (which someone here said isn't a bug?). I did not try to get rid of the coupon stuff, or the premium listing things yet (although it sounds like something I won't need).

Anyway, all I did was enter one basic (name, address, phone, url) business listing and now I am getting the message below whenever I click on the "Yellow Pages" link:

This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.

If you are the administrator of this site, please visit the XOOPS Troubleshooting Page for assistance.

Helpful infomation you should provide while asking for assistance:

Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: dirname in file modules/mxdirectory/language/english/main.php line 34
Error [Xoops]: Handler does not exist
Module: mxdirectory
Name: coupon in file include/functions.php line 594

It sounded like perhaps there was some help sent via PM outside of this thread, so maybe I'm missing something... could someone please provide a step-by-step guide to these edits for a brand new (not upgrade) installation to 2.2?

Also, since I don't think I'll be using things like "special offers" or "coupons", will it be easy to disable these, or should I just check back on that when I get that far - if I find I still need help?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/15 18:33

  • jlm69

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 719

  • Since: 2002/7/19

In the file mxdirectory/class/coupon.php it sounds like you changed around line 80 this line:

class MxdirectoryCouponHandler extends XoopsObjectHandler {

the Mxdirectory to Xdirectory. If you called the module mxdirectory it needs to be Mxdirectory, if you named the module xdirectory it needs to be Xdirectory, the first letter capitolized. The same goes for if you called the module something different, it needs to be the name of the module with the first letter capitolized.

The notice at the bottom can be removed by either commenting out line 34 or deleting it, I can't find anywhere in the module it uses that language file.

Hope that helps,


Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/15 19:14

  • anoniemouse

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2005/8/15

Thank You John! That got it working again. Yea!

Although, after I commented out that line, I then got the following notice:

Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _MD_ATTENTION - assumed '_MD_ATTENTION' in file modules/mxdirectory/index.php line 104

So, I commented that line out, too (hopefully it's not something that will cause problems for me later).

Now I have another question for you...
The business listing's website URL isn't showing up at all. I had originally installed (and then deleted) xdirectory which had the same problem. Any ideas?

Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/15 19:48

  • jlm69

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 719

  • Since: 2002/7/19

Yes, you were right to comment out those lines too. For the website to show you need to set the listing to a 'premium listing 1' at the bottom of the submit page or the approval page.

That should do it.


Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/15 20:00

  • anoniemouse

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2005/8/15

Cool, that did it.

By the way... I had tried setting it to Platnium(5), thinking that would allow all fields to show, but that didn't have any effect.

Thanks again!

Re: Error message after upgrade to mx-directory
  • 2005/8/15 20:16

  • jlm69

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 719

  • Since: 2002/7/19

There is a problem with the code.

Go to mxdirectory/templates/xdir_link.html go to about line 30 and find this line:

<{if $link.premium =="1"}>

change it to:

<{if $link.premium >="1"}>

Then go to mxdirectory/templates/xdir_listingfull.html about line 41 and make the same change.

Then for your changes to be applied you need to go into the modules administration and update the module.

That will do it.



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