Everybody know the advantages of a multilingual website but unfortunately i can not see any progress in the xoops core.
IMO It is a little late for xoops core to do something for it but in an sophistical viewpoint its never late to mend.
IMO the server-side programming (PHP and MYSQL) for this matter is completed by two modules "Xlanguage" and 'EMLH" and they both are workable.
therefore im against of doing something more in server-side like the whitepaper that Wishcraft introduced
It just learn a complicated messy method (multilingual database) for creating multilingual modules one by one when we already have a very simple approach (Xlanguage, EMLH) in hand that can implement the multilingual feature in your whole website.
IMO we dont need multilingual fields in database to make our website multilingual. It just make everything more complicated. I read another same idea from Voltan somewhere but i think they both are wrong. If im wrong please tell me the great benefits.
why we need to hack all of the current modules and make all old modules incompatible when we already can have multi-language websites by just installing Xlanguage or EMLH?
So I repeat IMO the server-side programming is finalized and completed.
If any developer have some new enhancement for better performances please contribute.
So just one thing is still remained in server side:
choosing between Xlanguage and EMLH and implement it in the next core.
I just can show you the GIJ opinion about xlanguage module:
EMLH dare to maintain system language although it is quite easy to swith system language.
You should know xlang is just a derivered version from EMLH.
And I think this is just a corrupted.
The reason why I name it "corrupted" is caching problem.
You can find the problem with xlang just by turning "module cache" or "block cache" on.
http://xoops.peak.ne.jp/md/d3forum/index.php?topic_id=2768I have this bad experience with Xlanguage module in the past. The CPU was overloaded in a high traffic website so i had to stop using that.
furthermore, EMLH can do the job with just one file.
Anyway i sent a feature request to the tracker:
https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3545262&group_id=41586&atid=430843Also Trabis did a good job and make EMLH to a module compatible with the latest xoops 2.5.5 and dont need to hack mainfile.php.
you can download here and easily install (no admin or user GUI is available you can not see anything):
http://www.xuups.com/easiestml.zipJust Trabis mentioned a little (IMO non important) bug in his emlh module.
Bug on preloads/core.php
Change last lines to:
$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'] = $easiestml_dirs[EASIESTML_DEFAULT_LANG];
return true;
source here:
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=322273#forumpost322273But about the GUI there are
a lot of works remained that should be done.
Now without any GUI our simple and non experienced end users should use bbcodes like this:
eg for a news title: for english and french
[en]english title[/en][fr]french title[/fr]
but we should use some JQuery methods to divide fields like below:
english title
french title
eg: see this picture for visualizing:

you can see there are multiple fields in the user interface (GUI) But as i said above It can be saved in the database in just one field like this:
[en]english title[/en][fr]french title[/fr]