10x John
but it's not working, I'm using the xdir, not the MXdir (though supposed to be the same here) ...
I don't need to include this:
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php";
because I use the "site-wide" kiovi hack, which is already in xoopsformloader.php
I tried your code:
_MD_DESCRIPTIONC, description, $description, 10, 60,'')
but it's not getting the data into the textarea, then when I type new text, it brings the old one for approval (I do the "edit" as a user)
the textarea gets it's correct name="description" so it must be something else.
I tryed b4 to put the _MD_DESCRIPTIONC, $description, $description, 10, 60)
because it brought the data into the textarea, but, yep, brought it into the "name=......." too

any ideas ?