Re: SMF bridge
  • 2005/12/31 22:36

  • Orstio

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  • Since: 2005/11/18

Sorry, there should be some documentation.

In your XOOPS admin panel, you should see the SMF Forum icon under the System Admin icon.

When you hold your mouse over it, a popup box will appear with a small menu. Click on the word "Preferences".

Enter the absolute path to SMF in the text box, and save the configuration.

This will tell XOOPS where you installed the SMF forum, so that the module can call information from it.

Re: SMF bridge

So is there a way to bring your old forum post from newbb to this forum module?

Re: SMF bridge

I have just installed the SMF module today and I have found that there are problems like user avatars do not properly display and the smf theme affects XOOPS fints etc.

Also is there a way to shut off the right colum when the forum is displayed cause it squeezes the forum to much.


Re: SMF bridge
  • 2006/2/1 9:20

  • davidl2

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It's possible (although I'm sorry I don't know how!) to put a condition into your theme code, to not display the right hand column when a particular module is in use.

Re: SMF bridge

Well I guess it's something to live with but the other things are afecting forum use fro example I found out why some members avatars are no longer working they are uploaded personal avatars the other's work ok what's the fix for this.

Also the new post icon has also stopped working as well.

All we get is the white square with the red cross.

Re: SMF bridge

I've decided to totally remove this bridge on the basis it doesn't feel like a bridge.

Members still have to register twice and is something no one wants.

When can we see a proper bridge made that allows one registeration for both XOOPS and SMF and the option to either leave the SMF on it's own page or within xoops.

Re: SMF bridge
  • 2006/3/10 23:13

  • Grandnegis

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AussieHolden wrote:
I've decided to totally remove this bridge on the basis it doesn't feel like a bridge.

Members still have to register twice and is something no one wants.

When can we see a proper bridge made that allows one registeration for both XOOPS and SMF and the option to either leave the SMF on it's own page or within xoops.

I have done the same as I don't want to have a double login. I want people to log into XOOPS and be able to post in SMF but that is not the case.

Doesn anyone know of a converter to convert my current SMF forums to xoops????

Re: SMF bridge
  • 2008/8/10 19:15

  • macmend

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 285

  • Since: 2004/2/27

its a long time since anyone posted here and i after moving my macmend forum to SMF picked this up but it doesn't really do what it says on the tin....does anyone use this and make it work for them?

Or as the above poster says a convertor from smf to cbb, newbex or a similar XOOPS forum
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