Now in 2.5.5 i have 0 deprecated message, 0 errors in all modules. I thought in this mode upgrade to final 2.6 without many problems.
Yes. IMO all these modules must work in 2.6.0 final with 0 errors and X deprecated messages.
I hope core team pay attention to that.
Also core team implement many features in admin theme in 2.6.0.
honestly my priority for features is like below:
1- server side programming features. all php and mysql related features that will improve the functionality of a website. (priority 9/10)
2- user side programing features. like html, css (like bootstrap) and js (like jQuery) improvements that can be useful for themes and templates. (priority 7/10)
3- user theme improvements. It means the implementation of (#2) features in user theme. Also everybody can implement them himself. (priority 5/10)
4- admin theme improvements. It means the implementation of (#2) features in admin theme to have a nice admin side. (priority 1/10)
It seems core team pay too much attention to #4 in 2.6.0 which has not any priority at this time.
the module admin class is introduced/implemented for this purpose in 2.5.5 and now the "extensions" name and menu is implemented in 2.6.0 alpha 1.
I as a webmaster need:
first: functionality/stability/security for my website
second: nice user theme for my users and visitors
and third: nice admin theme (for myself??? yeah it is cool for me too)
It seems core team pay too much attention to a nice admin theme because they are developers and most of coders/developers work
in admin side themselves.