Problems with Cyrillic, etc. solved too slowly.
The index.php add somewhere on the line 43 or elsewhere:
if (! function_exists ( 'mb_ucfirst') && function_exists ( 'mb_substr')) {
function mb_ucfirst ($ string) {
$ String = mb_ereg_replace ( "^ [] +", "", $ string);
$ String = mb_strtoupper (mb_substr ($ string, 0, 1, "UTF-8"), "UTF-8") mb_substr ($ string, 1, mb_strlen ($ string), "UTF-8").;
return $ string;
and then the text to replace all
ucfirst -
mb_ucfirstMost likely it is to be done everywhere, and in the xoops too. If you do not want to permanently solve these problems ....