Re: help
  • 2004/3/24 3:35

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14


Sm0ka wrote:
Try this:


although it would help if you posted a link so someone could check back.

in the wiki's website i found this:
I cannot login using the admin account

After installing and logging in to XOOPS in I see the login notification page and am redirected back to the login page. Trying to directly enter the /admin.php page show an restriction error.

Possible Solution
If you have PHP version 4.0.6 (or lower?) installed on your server you might find that the register_globals is turned on in the php.ini file. If you can, you should edit the php.ini file to turn it Off. Or even better use a .htaccess file to do so. Your .htaccess file should contain the following line:
php_flag register_globals off
but the problem is i can't accsses to php.ini because my website provider has that and i am using lycos server which is free , do you have any idea for editing php.ini or is there any line i should add to xoops' files to solve this problem thanks.

Re: help
  • 2004/3/24 7:39

  • Cluering

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2004/3/18

Create a file named .htaccess. Put the lines for Register globals and the session.cookie_path in it, save it and transfer it in the base directory of your website.

Try again.

For checking create a php-File that opens phpInfo (you will find this somewhere here) and check wether the settings really changed.


Re: help
  • 2004/3/24 22:54

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

thanks for helping , but there is a problem that when i put that file in ftp ,my page doesn't open and an internal server error page will come do you thing is there any thing wrong with it, is there any solutin please help!

Re: help
  • 2004/3/25 7:55

  • Cluering

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2004/3/18

How does your .htaccess look like?
If you donĀ“t mind, put a php file somewhere on your site that shows phpinfo and send me the link - if you want by pm.



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