In adminside for News were 3 lists : Automated articles, last 10 articles, expired articles.
In "last 10 articles" there is an edit and delete button for each article.
In "expired articles" there is a delete button for each article.
Replace line 237 in admin/index.php
<a href='".XOOPS_URL."/modules/news/submit.php?returnside=1&op=edit&storyid=" . $eachstory -> storyid() . "'> <img src='" . $pathImageIcon."/edit.png.' ' title="._AM_EDIT.">
<a href='".XOOPS_URL."/modules/news/submit.php?returnside=1&op=edit&storyid=" . $eachstory -> storyid() . "'> <img src='" . $pathImageIcon."/edit.png' title='"._AM_EDIT."'>a>
Now there is an edit and delete button in "expired articles"! A bug or not?
Why there is no edit and delete button for "Automated articles"?