People, please, this thread has escaped out of control.
Catzwolf, I know you're angry, don't know why, but ranting here is not doing any good. If dev team wants to listen you, they'll only do it if you say your things in a more positive way. If they don't wnat to listen, they won't listen no matter what you do. So don't waste your time ranting, it doesn't make make you any good. Looks Marco's post.
BTW, your WF-Sections saved my ass twice, thank you. I'll look into Zarilia when it grow up, a CMS that tries to be real multilanguage from the first line of code is a very interesting proposal for all european developers (like me).
Snow77, seriously, if you have nothing positive to say, say nothing. Don't fuel the fire.
I don't care if 5, 10, 20 or 200 people leave XOOPS, if you don't like it you simply don't use it.
This is the same as stating "community size doesn't matters". Well, size DOES matter. And it matters a lot. In fact, the community working at all stages of the process from the core to the sites people do are the one and only resource XOOPS or any other CMS have. In the end, the community is the only thing that matters. The human resource is the only resource that exists in a software project like this.
So managing XOOPS public image is one probably the most important thing besides coding itself. Every post, and I mean EVERY POST all of us write have an effect ( tiny or huge) on XOOPS public image. Everybody that has a bit of respect on this project should think not only what they want to say, but how and where to say, and how this affects the way people perceive XOOPS. If you want to stay in XOOPS you HAVE TO think on all these things before writing a line. If you can't, think twice. THIS IS NOT THE MOMENT TO FUEL ANY RANT, this is the moment to
diplomacy. If you can't find a polite way to say things, please think twice.