I'm also with with Surpass running XOOPS
here, there were problems earlier this year with hackers deleting content from a server on two occassions and no recent backups being available. Thankfully Surpass' processes have been rectified as a result and it hasn't been a problem since. Hackers seem to go after up and coming ISPs in the hope that customers will abandon after an attack or two.
Occasionally, there is some downtime but again I think this has been improved in the last few months with the installation of a new router or something. I personally don't mind tiny bursts of web downtime occassionally (that could be because I'm in Australia and network caused), but I wouldn't suggest a high-traffic commercial site be installed on one of their shared hosting accounts.
They have an awesome CPANEL system that allows for simple MySQL backups and FTP transers to other FTP accounts with other ISPs. This means that you could try them out and easily shift if you didn't like it. And server software seems to be always the latest version. I scanned so many webhosts and previously signed up with another two, to eventually be satisfied with this firm.