Thanks for the link (I just happen to see that it's far more useful with javascript enabled..
and for the level attribute; level 1 is for people who are activated and level 0 is for those who are not. So everyone should be either a 0 or 1. Sometimes there are some greater than one, but the important thing is that they are greater than 0.
Ok, now it's crystal ! As I was inserting 2 as level value, I could have been waiting and coding a long time..
So now, the module behaves as expected ! I got to test it on a production server as I don't have mail function on my workstation. The next step is to get the process automatized at each registration.
With an Extra thanks to you, I guess it is solved now !
The user_add function code (if it can help someone) :
function user_add($USER_INFOS)
global $xoopsConfig;
include ('../../../mainfile.php');
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/kernel/user.php';
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/kernel/object.php';
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/functions.php';
$table = $this->xoopsDB->prefix('users');
$date = time();
$user_avatar = 'avatars/blank.gif';
$actkey = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), 1)), 0, 8);
$theme = 'zetagenesis';
$member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
$user =& $member_handler->createUser();
$user->setVar('name', $USER_INFOS['NAME'], true);
$user->setVar('uname', $USER_INFOS['UNAME'], true);
$user->setVar('pass', $USER_INFOS['PASS'], true);
$user->setVar('email', $USER_INFOS['EMAIL'], true);
$user->setVar('url', $USER_INFOS['URL'], true);
$user->setVar('user_avatar', $user_avatar, true);
$user->setVar('user_regdate', $date, true);
$user->setVar('user_icq', $USER_INFOS['USER_ICQ'], true);
$user->setVar('actkey', $actkey, true);
$user->setVar('user_aim', $USER_INFOS['USER_AIM'], true);
$user->setVar('user_yim', $USER_INFOS['USER_YIM'], true);
$user->setVar('user_msnm', $USER_INFOS['USER_MSNM'], true);
$user->setVar('theme', $theme, true);
$user->setVar('bio', '', true);
$user->setVar('uorder', $xoopsConfig['com_order'], true);
$user->setVar('umode', $xoopsConfig['com_mode'], true);
$user->setVar('level', 0); // admin activation
$sql = 'SELECT uid FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE uname = '' .
$USER_INFOS['UNAME'] . '';';
$result = $this->xoopsDB->queryF($sql);
while($row = $this->xoopsDB->fetchRow($result))
foreach($row as $value)
$UID = (int)$value;
$XoopsMemberShip =& $member_handler->addUserToGroup(2, $UID); // admin mail
$xoopsMailer =& xoops_getMailer();
$xoopsMailer->assign('USERNAME', $user->getVar('uname'));
$xoopsMailer->assign('USEREMAIL', $user->getVar('email'));
$xoopsMailer->assign('USERACTLINK', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" .
$GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname', 'n') . '/activate.php?id=' . $user->getVar('uid') . '&actkey=' . $user->getVar('actkey', 'n'));
$xoopsMailer->assign('SITENAME', $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename']);
$xoopsMailer->assign('ADMINMAIL', $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['adminmail']);
$xoopsMailer->assign('SITEURL', XOOPS_URL . "/");
$xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_US_USERKEYFOR, $user->getVar('uname')));
if (!$xoopsMailer->send())
$_SESSION['profile_post']['_message_'] = 2;
} else {
$_SESSION['profile_post']['_message_'] = 3;
} else {
//user not created successfully, you can perhaps get error messages with this:
$errors_array = $user->getErrors();