Yes, this information was quite helpful, although I still had to do some debugging since the page referenced maybe used a version of FCKeditor different from what was in the XOOPSeditor 1.10 package. Probably the best information was that there is a test page available for this to make it easier to test and troubleshoot -- one for browsing and one for uploading. However, once you fix one, you can then just transfer the same line to the other location. I started with file browsing and then fixed the one with uploading. They all fall into the function fckeditor_root_path (which is a misnomer since it's really xoopseditor_root_path that it's giving you to include the xoopseditor.inc.php file. Whatever. I got it to work.
If you want to get FCKeditor running on the XOOPS 2.0.x branch, then try
my post on implementing FCKeditor on 2.0.x. Hope it helps.