Hi all,
I created a directory called UserFiles in the public_html folder, and set it's permissions to 777.
While in the editor, I tested it out. I clicked on insert/edit image, uploaded the .jpeg from my PC, and it went nicely into the folder. Then I clicked on the image to insert it in my document....
and all I got was the "broken image" icon.
I checked with ftp and cPanel and the .jpeg was successfully uploaded into /UserFiles/Images. I could even click on the file from the cPanel and view the image in all it's glory.
It's there.
The problem is, when you try and insert it into a document using the fckeditor, you just get the 'broken image' icon.
Has anyone been successful at inserting the image into a document with the editor? What did you do to get it working?
(using XOOPS 2.2.3, content 0.5, on Linux, PHP 4x ...)