Re: Debaser user upload problem
  • 2005/12/6 7:01

  • guilmonx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/12/6

OK.... my first post but I think I have found out what was wrong....

Ok in the module of Debaser it has a "Filetypes" menu...

Go inside the menu and you will find the following:
Create Mimetype-

Find new Mimetype-

Allowed Admin Mimetype-

Allowed User Mimetype-

now below these you'll see some of the file extensions next to either a red or green light.

Red means that this group cannot upload this type of file
Green means that this usergroup can upload this type of file

Now the default settings only allow registered users to submit MP3 and AVI files.

there is a small button that has a blue wrench and hammer that means "EDIT".

Click on each of the mime type's little edit button and make sure that you click yes to both "Allow admin Mimetype"
and "Allow User Mimetype"

If this isn't checked then users can only upload MP3 and AVI files... you can also add more Mimetypes if you wish but make sure you find the right mime type from the search box provided in the "Filetypes" menu. (Find a Mimetype)

I hope this helps people more clearly before using this module...


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