Hello and sorry for bothering you again.
I found 2 problems, but it's not clear if they are related to my configuration.
1 - Editing an article the date, also using the built in calendar to compose it, is in dd/mm/yyyy format, but publishing it mm is used as dd (for example 11/09/2017 appears as 09-Nov-2017 instead of 11-Sep-2017). It could be a mismatch between publisher module and xoops core date format.
2 - Publishing an article in home page using the block "Recent Articles (Details)" I get the below error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getVar() on null in [...]htdocs/modules/publisher/class/item.php on line 1229 with only 1 article on the db. The same error for "Random Item" or other blocks.
Thanks for your reply