Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/6 1:34

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

I paste old expressme module (and adjust old deprecated function) with last wordpress version. Seem to work perfectly
Look this:


I can only modify admin menu in blue move.

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/10 1:39

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

This is first release of module:


Please reupload the module in other web space, i have a limited traffic in this server.

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/10 1:48

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/10 17:18

  • oswaldo

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 215

  • Since: 2008/8/22

Download the last version of XPressME_Integration_Kit_Ver2.5.3

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/10 19:22

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

You are italian? Is a is a typical Italian reaction. (i am a italian )
I don't need a XPressME_Integration_Kit_Ver2.5.3, i made xpressme.

Where it was XPressME_Integration_Kit_Ver2.5.3, when I needed a wordpress to work in xoops? I have not found.

Work to similar module to win the first prize of beauty of the module of the year, it's useless.

It is also disrespectful to propose an alternative module. which has just been presented a similar one.

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/11 1:43

  • oswaldo

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 215

  • Since: 2008/8/22

You're right, sorry, was for not properly read your news

I'm Latin

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/11 10:24

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11424

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Where it was XPressME_Integration_Kit_Ver2.5.3, when I needed a wordpress to work in xoops? I have not found.

Sometimes we are not aware of other, similar projects. That happens...

It is also disrespectful to propose an alternative module. which has just been presented a similar one.

Personally, I don't see it as "disrespectful"

OpenSource is all about sharing and about learning from each other.

That's why we fork code form others, make improvements, submit back to the original author. Sometimes the changes are so big that we rename the fork and move in different direction that the original author had in mind. And that's OK!

Personally, I am always thankful if somebody makes me aware of other solutions that are similar to what I am working on, as it gives me a chance to look at them and check if I missed something, or if I could improve on something.
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Re: Wordpress on xoops

Thank you for sharing this version of the module. I'll test it

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/11 21:45

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

Mamba you're absolutely right about open source, i am extremely touchy.
If i propose a module and I read in response another download, i think is not correct.

If Osvaldo he wrote there is another module also, no problem for me

P.s The icon of the module is terrible, i can remake.

Re: Wordpress on xoops
  • 2015/8/12 5:59

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11424

  • Since: 2004/4/23

If i propose a module and I read in response another download, i think is not correct.

Why is this not correct?
If you're developing a commercial module that you want to sell, I could understand that you don't want anybody to mention other downloads because this could create a competition for your module, and you could make less money with it.

But in the Open Source world, we want benefit from other ideas, code, etc., so we can improve on it, and give back to the community.

From XOOPS perspective, or from any other Open Source project, due to limited time and resources, it is better for us when three developers work:

a) on the same module together, or
b) on three different modules

If these three developers are "reinventing the wheel", each of them creating a module solving the same problem, then this is not quite productive from the community perspective.

When I see somebody working in a module, and I am aware of a similar solution, I always provide links to existing solutions saying something like: "Hey, maybe you can find some cool code or ideas that you could use in your solution".

The most successful Open Source projects are Masters in collaboration and in avoiding the "Not Invented Here" syndrome.
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