Here this is the last version of the TinyMCE v4 editor for XOOPS (1.10).
In the package, you will find : -
TyniMCE editor v4.10- Added the plugin
Responsivefilemanager 9.2.1- Added the plugin
youtube - Added the plugin
qrcode- Added the plugin alignbtn (1 seul bouton pour le centrage des paragraphes)
- Added the plugin chartextbtn (1 seul bouton pour le formatage des caractères) (alain01)
- Added the plugin XOOPS code
- Added the plugin XOOPS quote
Developpement link : https://github.com/alain01/TinyMCE4forXOOPSI putted all not original plugins in a new directory "external_plugins" in order to get easy upgrade from TinyMCE.
Installation : Copy the contents of htdocs in the root directory of the web site
Go to administation page / module administration / update system module
Go to administration page / preferences / system parameters / text editor parameters
Select TinyMCE4 for blocs / comments / modules
May be go to each preferences modules to change the default editor
Use :-
Templates : i maked 2 templates in order to show you how using them :
All is on /uploads/filemanager/templates
-- simple template
-- Movie page template
ResponsiveFilemanager :
-- Grants :
By default, just the webmsaters group could uplod files at the root repository (/uploads/filemanager/media)
Membres could upload on /uploads/filemanager/media/depot-members.
All is custumisable in each directory, you could copy part of the config.php file (from filemanager plugin) on a directory, under "media"
-- upload multi files
-- Automatic Resizing in batch when upload (width = 1000 for the directory " depot-members")
-- And more...
Ok, i know that there are still bugs and need new functionnality but please, dont hesitate to help in the github.com web.
- To do : emoticones managment