xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 15:45

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

I tried to make a site with a gallery of latest XOOPS themes.
In the gallery I have now 56 themes. It take long time to put new themes in the gallery beacause I search the themes on my own through the websites and then i have to make screenshots and edit it in PS.
I will try to put more themes in, feel free to send me screenshot from your themes.

you can find my site here

in the next time I will reserve a domain.

sorry for my english

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 16:01

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

  • Since:

Do the designers of these themes know that you're making them available for download?

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 16:05

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

all designs are free for download as the designers posted here on xoops.org
I do not make them available for download, I link to the designers site. you can see it in the description of the images. on my site are only screenshots. where is no site of the designer I put a download link

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 16:22

  • aph3x

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 834

  • Since: 2004/12/26

I personally don't mind...as long as aren't any direct links to my server...in other words, if you have them on download they better be on your server or I'll simply make all themes available just for registered users
Everything I'm not made me everything I am
The Themes

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 16:26

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

I only direct to your demo site where your themes are. is this ok, or shoud I make this also for registered users?

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 16:28

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22

Hi !

I think it's a good idea and many users should show their favorites themes. May be one day xoops.org will create a site to do the same.

Another way to promote themes : here

Then thanks for your site, without ads !

[sorry too for my bad english]

Still learning CSS and... english

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 16:32

  • aph3x

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 834

  • Since: 2004/12/26

Fine by me

as i said you can also have a download section as far as i'm concerned and i'll be happy to send you a all themes zip..just don't link back on the files from original location
Everything I'm not made me everything I am
The Themes

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 17:00

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


this is a general problem for all who want to report on themes, modules etc, and not only on XOOPS, but on every system and platform.

If I have the progs on my site, I have to care for each whether it is the latest version or not. It's hard to automate this. If I have a deep link to the developer's site, the user will always get the latest version. If I have a link only to the developer's homepage, the user has to search, maybe he doesn't find and is frustrated.

On the other hand I understand that most don't like deep links to their site (as I don't, too...).

There are lots of download directories, and they handle this differently. Some rely on themselves, some on the useres, and some on the developers (they have to submit, but who wants to submit to lots of archives?).

The problem isn't that difficult for themes, as they aren't changed that often by the developers. It's more difficult for modules. Besides, the download modules lack a lot of functions for professional managing a download archive / directory (e.g. automatic link checking, information mail to module/theme developer etc pp).

As most of us are a "1-person-team", it's hard to find a common solution that makes all participants happy. Suggestions welcome

kind regards
markesh / karim
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 17:06

  • aph3x

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 834

  • Since: 2004/12/26


Can you show me a site that allows deep links?!
Would you share with me the bandwidth costs per month? cause after all its a 2ways street..you get traffic i (might) get a visitor coming from your site.

Should i post some official XOOPS support sites that has deep links on my site cause the admins are to lazy to add proper download objects?...and then i wonder...where did my bandwidth go as i didn't had so many visitors
Everything I'm not made me everything I am
The Themes

Re: xoops theme
  • 2007/10/7 18:09

  • markesh

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2007/7/14


I fully agree with you.

I know some sites have deep links to my site (there are ways and means to discover this...), and I (yet) tolerate this, because the traffic isn't that big. If I announce a new download available on my site, I always say "available for download on my site" or lead to the downloads section. Nothing more. There's a headline section, there's a "latest downloads", there are several search forms.

But I also see the other site.

Several years ago I produced a shareware magazine (print) and the shareware cd roms for this mag. It was awful to manage this, even though there was a good communication with the shareware authors. And I also worked together with shareware download archives (I soon gave up to set up my own...)

It does only work fine if you have a functioning network and everyone does his part -- the provider of such an archive and each publisher of software. And also the "consumer" (reader, user, ...).

btw: I like your themes a lot, and I have recommended your site in my latest (upcoming) XOOPS article

kind regards
markesh / karim
First German XOOPS book: XOOPS-Buch.de


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