my problem solved
i forget that i must have submit button
i have another problem
i have a list that have check box
this code
function refereeList( $case, $case_next = NULL, $sid = NULL, $withcheck = FALSE ){
global $query, $order, $start, $limit;
$referee_r = JournalReferee::getAll( $query, TRUE, $order, $limit, $start );
//echo ''; print_r( $referee_r ); echo '
'; // !!!!!!!!!! DEBUG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
$action = 'referee.php?case='.$case_next.'&case_pre='.$case.'&order='.$order.'"';
//if ( $sid ) { $action.= '&sid='.$sid; }
$total = JournalReferee::getCountAll( $query ); // DEBUG!!
//$total = count( JournalReferee::getAll( $query, FALSE ) );
$content = '
return $head.$content;
now i want if on1 row of list checked
do this code
$word1=$word * 86400;
$query="UPDATE ".$xoopsDB->prefix ( referee )." SET exp_date = exp_date + '$word1' WHERE uid=$uid AND name=$name ";
echo "Data was correctly inserted into DB!";
} [code]
please tell me how can write this code
thx for your help