How to change the icon beside the website url

I would like to know how to change the default XOOPS icon beside the webswite url in a browser.

Re: How to change the icon beside the website url
  • 2005/2/6 2:56

  • tjnemez

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1594

  • Since: 2003/9/21

i believe you mean the favicon, so check this out :http://www.chami.com/html-kit/services/favicon/

Re: How to change the icon beside the website url

Thank you very much is that what there called favicons?

Re: How to change the icon beside the website url
  • 2005/2/8 23:20

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

Yes. If you do a web search on "favicon", you can get more information.

Re: How to change the icon beside the website url
  • 2005/2/9 3:12

  • JasonMR

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 655

  • Since: 2004/6/21

Favicons are also called Shortcut icons, which is the term actually employed by W3C (the term favicon was a MS creation, taken from favorites {US spelling}, instead of bookmarks).

In your theme.html file, you will find in the header section (HTML doc's are divided into a Head, which has additional info regarding the doc, and a Body, which contains the to be displayed content), the following code, which implements the Shortcut icon display:

<link href="<{$xoops_url}>/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />

So theoreticaly you could use a different shortcut icon for different users, using a little SMARTY.

Example Code:
<{if $xoops_isadmin}>
link href="<{$xoops_url}>/admin_Sicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />
link href="<{$xoops_url}>/user_Sicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />

...as to why one would want to employ this: gives a graphical cue, if you are loged in as admin!

Besides the link provided by tjnemez (chami's tool is very nice, and gives a quick fix), may I point to a nice app called AWicon (done this before), they do offer a free version, which I use frequently.

Re: How to change the icon beside the website url

Thank you both tjnemez and JasonMR i really apricate the help. JasonMR you really seem to know what your doing with the html and css stuff could you tell me how to change the colour of my theme? ty!

Changing the colour (color) of a theme
  • 2005/2/9 22:55

  • JasonMR

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 655

  • Since: 2004/6/21

...with that animated gif in your signature, sure thing

Though, as with themes like the one you are using, which use images for a lot of design stuff, this task becomes more work intensive.

For basic themes, this would do:

A Short Guide For Changing Theme Colours

1) using a colour picker tool (Firefox/Mozilla have web dev extensions for this task, or you can use as Win user the freeware app Color Cop, Linux comes with these kind of tools ), check the hex number of the colour you want to change

2) open the css file in an editor that comes with a decent findAndReplace tool (chami's HTML kit doews the job, but while there is a free verion, this is NOT FOSS)

3) now just enter in find the hex code you want to get rid of (e.g. that eye shaddering yellow{hex=#ffcc00} and in replace, enter the colour you would prefer (for example a pleasant light blue {#6a88ff})

4) repeat 3) for all colour you want to change (which involves a little hunting down {don't forget to check the link hover colours, and forms, the stuff only obvious when using the system, and not only looking at some content})

Now you have the images to deal with, if you don't have thousands of dollars for Photoshop (and/or don't like warez), GIMP will do the job.

Depending on how many images have been used, this might turn out, to be the heaviest regarding the involved workload.

Open each image you can find in your theme folder, change the image from palette to rgb values, and use the colourize tool (gif images don't use all available colours, but a defined pallette of colours, which most colour tools can't work with, as they like to have access to all colours).

Sorry if this is too brief, but I can't write a whole tutorial about image manipulation.

Hope this helps anyhow...post any questions that might arise, and I will try my best to answer.

Oh yes, and try to contact the guy who created that theme, and ask him if he wouldn't be interested in helping you creating different colour schemes for his theme. It would be great, if we had more colour options when it comes to themes. So please don't forget to provide us with a copy of your work and efforts {thanks in advance }


Re: Changing the colour (color) of a theme

Thank you very much im hoping to learn more about XOOPS and help to contribute to them. BY THE WAY IM ONLY 13 ^_^

Re: Changing the colour (color) of a theme
  • 2005/2/12 22:52

  • JasonMR

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 655

  • Since: 2004/6/21

Then you should learn everything you need to know, much quicker than any of us

Welcome to the XOOPS Club, and by the way, it's adictive*, so if ya Mum ever asks, we warned ya

* Once you have a XOOPS system installed and running, it is hard to keep away from it...

Re: Changing the colour (color) of a theme

I cant get it to porperly change colours to the whole thing i can only get the text and a little bit at the top but i can not get the whole thing to change colour and look smooth.
Id like if someone could port some of these phpnuke themes to XOOPS http://www.nukemods.com/ THEY AWESOME!!!!!


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