carnuke wrote:
If the image is not important and is say just the corner of something for layout, then leave the alt attribute empty as it need not describe itself for the visually impaired etc.
This is a very good point. In fact, you might want to leave the ALT attribute empty for some graphics that you think are important. For example, if you have the name of a company directly under a logo, despite what the guidelines say, there's no point having "Acme Corp Logo" as ALT text for the logo. A screen reader might speak: "Image description... Acme Corp Logo... Image. Welcome to the Acme Corporation" For clarity, it would be better to dump the ALT description for the logo and let the reader speak "Welcome to the Acme Corporation".
When you *read* the page rather than see it, it makes sense. Why would a blind person need to know there's a logo there?.
The only thing is, if you are using a visual HTML editor to build your site, you may need to manually enter the 'empty' ALT value as double-quote marks in the code (Eg. alt="" no space between) rather than leave the ALT field empty. If you don't do this, Lynx will display the image filename, e.g. 'logo.gif'.
The other consideration of course is that text browsers read web page content in the order they get it. So even if a DIV for a menu appears on the left, if the DIV code is physically located at the bottom of the page of HTML, that's where the text browser will put it.
If you have never used it, I can recommend adding Lynx to your browser list. It's free, works in DOS mode on Windows and gives you a refreshing screen of text - just like the good old days!.
There are a couple of competing assisted-technology browsers for Windows. Like all products aimed at the disabled through local authority funds, they are expensive, one disgracefully so. But if your website makes sense in Lynx (no images, no layout, no CSS) then anyone who has a visual impairment, or who can only use the keyboard to navigate, should be able to use your site.