Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/9 18:49

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

I need a database that can allow users to submit:
Leg band Initial (character, 50 length)
Number (char, 50 len)
Color (char, 50)
Breeder (char, 50)
Location (char, 50)
Details (char, 999)
Submitted by (user id)
Dateadded (date, current date/time)

I need it to be searchable.

This will be used to house a database of parrot leg bands. Users often need to search a leg band to see who the breeder was.

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/9 19:05

  • koertzen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2003/10/22

Hey Chad... I'm working on a custom "contacts" module right now that I can modify for your purposes. Give me about a day or so.

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/10 8:14

  • koertzen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2003/10/22

A functioning version is now available on one of my test sites. Test the program here.

The version 0.1 can be downloaded in the MyDownloads section of the same site.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/10 20:41

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

Holy crap koertzen, that works awsome ;) Thanks!
Hey, I notice the last update is 0000000 for all entries? Any chance to make that default to the date/time it was entered? Way to go mate.. ;)

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/10 20:47

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

Ok, downloaded and installed but it didn't create the table(s)... :( No big deal I'm just happy you got it this far for me.

Can you add instead of "Number" maybe "Email" and also add "Website" and "Phone #"?

On the listing page you can just list the Band initials (sort by band initials), Breeder, Who submitted it with a link to their profile and then one of the three (whichever exists, first): Phone #, Email Address, Website URL.

The Search feature, what fields did you set that to search? All of them or just the band initials?

Let me know your paypal account.. I'd like to make a donation for your help.

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/11 7:42

  • koertzen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2003/10/22

I think I figured out the table creation problem. I had originally hard-coded the table name into the php pages, and I created the table directly in the database, so I forgot to remove the XOOPS prefix from the table when I exported the create table command.

I'll make some modifications per your requests. Is the email address the address for the Breeder? If that's the case, then I'll make the name clickable to bring up an email if the email address exists. No need to create a full separate field for that. Of course if you're wanting to print out a full list it would be nice, but I'm not including that kind of functionality in this initial release.

All of the fields in the listing table are sortable by the headers. Just click on them. :)... Sorry that I didn't include any instructions for that.

And yes, all fields are included in the search function. You can search for a particular color, breeder, etc in addition to searcing for a particular band. Note, too, that the search will search any part of the fields... you don't need to have the entire name or whatever to look something up. The results page for the search is not sortable at this time, but I'll sort it by the band initials by default.

My hosting service has my website offline at the moment for an upgrade, but when it's available again I'll put the PayPal link up on the site. Thanks for the offer! :)

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/14 2:01

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

Hey koertzen! How's it going? No rush, just checking in... need anything from me?

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/14 3:31

  • koertzen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2003/10/22

Hey there... it's going alright. I'm currently working through a couple of bugs before adding the other fields and modiying the output.

I expect that I should have made significant progress by this time next week.


Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/28 17:53

  • koertzen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 79

  • Since: 2003/10/22

Hey Chad...

I see that you're joining me on the myFamily and xDonations projects. I think I'll apply to make the Legbads module an official project. Due to its limited application, there will probably be few people who would download it for its purpose, but my hope is that it will become a standard by which people might learn some cool interface techniques by reviewing the code.

Also, it will give us a chance to collaborate on the development.

I think I've solved the date-stamp problem (based on some code bits from the xDonations module). I also have the code fixed for the person update, but it's not widely applied.

There are two directions to go now:

1) Update the code in the current format so that it is consistent, despite being scattered and non-conforming to XOOPS standards. (OR)
2) Beging pulling the code out into functions, page code, and interface templates.

The problem with #1 is that the same code exists on several pages and is completely redundant and unnecessary, but #2 is a pretty major undertaking and would delay delivery by several weeks.

Re: Simple (to you) Database
  • 2004/7/29 1:24

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 242

  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

Ok.. set up a project but let's not call it the leg band database. Let's make it a bit more general so it can be adapted to other uses. I think the fields that display and are included should be part of the admin configuration so admins can select and choose what fields to have, what types they will be and such. I've done this sort of thing on many ASP pages (gasp) but never with PHP. ;) I know the logic but not the code. Anyway, if we make it more generic, it will be useful for more people. The more we put in the language files and into a config table for the module the more popular it will end up being... and the more useful.. which leads to more XOOPS users out there :)


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