There didn't seem to be a forum that this would fit under, so I figured the Q&A forum was the most fitting.
After searching the ends of the 'net to try to find a *clean* way of sharing user info between XOOPS and XOSC (osCommerce module), I've come to the conclusion that without editing the XOSC core files to share the same _user table as Xoops, it just isn't going to happen.
Originally, I thought that it would be possible to setup a script that performed a join function on xoops_users and xoops_shop_customers, but there is no primary key shared between the two tables, and I didn't see another way of doing it.
This leads me to the following questions...
1. Is there a verified functioning hack available for this module? (I've been looking for days and haven't seen the first sign of one.)
If not.....
2. I've already read plenty about the reason why this modification has not been implemented into the module (it would create problems with future upgrades of Xoops). That's understandable to an extent. However, it stands to reason that, as long as XOOPS doesn't change its user table name, the tables affecting XOSC could be reconstructed from backup after upgrade. Are there any other reasons why someone *shouldn't* perform this hack?
3. Shared user info seems to be an issue for the XOSC module, but not for the IPB module. Why is it issue for one and not the other?
4. I've done a little hacking on modules before, but nothing quite this large. Is there anyone who would want to help me with this hack?
5. If a successful hack can be put together, is there anyone who would want to beta test it?
Just seems like there is an aweful large group of people posting on several sites about the ability of XOOPS and XOSC to share user data. Seems kinda strange that some kind of workaround hasn't been developed yet. Or am I missing something?
Thanks for any replies.
Best Regards,