htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 11:46

  • biowan

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Do XOOPS developement team know htmlArea WYSIWYG editor ?
htmlArea. Is it possible to integry this tool in the next release of XOOPS ?

This is a very powerfull editor. It's more easier to add text for more users and it's free.


Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 13:23

  • chapi

  • Theme Designer

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Yes this is interesting, but currently only works with IE 5.5+. The current v3alpha release can be used with Mozilla too. Untill this tool is stable it surely won't be integrated.

Btw, wfsections already uses a Wysiwyg Editor ..

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 13:36

  • nocjock

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This would be a nice addition to Tinycontent.

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 14:50

  • el_flynn

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Chapi, any hints on how i can integrate the WYSIWYG editor in the wfsections module into the news module? I was going to do it hte hard way (scanning line by line of the code) but if anyone else has done it that would be awesome...

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 19:38

  • tzvook

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chapi wrote:
Btw, wfsections already uses a Wysiwyg Editor ..

WFS Wysiwyg Editor is like a bad joke compare to htmlarea, though I think Cats is the best and wfsection is a great piece of work... and I've use it a lot !!!

we both tried to integrate htmlarea without sucsess in XOOPS 2.x (I tried the news and reviews modules).
I know htmlarea quite good and made a few php addons for it (file + Image managers).

Version 2.03 of HTMLAREA support Netscape too (plugin), but htmlarea worth the effort of integrating it for Explorer users (95% of the market), it's very versatile, and usually very easy to integrate, I integrated it in a lot of apps, I think my problems came due to the smarty use (I don't know a thing about it and don't have the time to try )

I sucsessfuly integrated htmlarea just into the "section" module for 2.03, all other moduls were too problematic, but I'll be glad to assist to the dev's who'll try to do it for the whole system.

HTMLAREA's dev community is one hell of a community, great ppls out there, XOOPS and HTMLAREA are the only places I spend my limited free cyber time.


Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 20:24

  • kotis

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Well... i think i must comment here because i spent a lot of my time on this project and we are at a good point at the moment. We managed to integrate htmlarea for the whole site but there are things to do now that completely recreate Xoops. Let's see some problems:

1. Smilies don't work as expected so you have to integrate them in the htmlarea code (by using custom buttons) and remove any smilie references from Xoops

2. Integrated image manager of XOOPS is not working anymore (not an actual image manager - more of an imae handler for a small number of images. No search option)

3. All bbcode should be removed because it is now replaced with htmlarea

4. htmlarea appears in places tou don't want to (for example the at user's profile, at the textarea to add a signature) and you need to restrict html from those pages. Maybe a custom textarea there will do the job...

5. At some points, users and editors may select to "Disable HTML" which is womething you don't want to. You have to edit each page and remove thos references

6. you propably don't need any bbcode references too, so the pages should be edited again to remove those references.


There are a lot more small things that all of them take up your time for such a project. Unfortunately i cannot post any code, because as you can propably understand the changes are at the whole XOOPS site and not on single files...

Maybe at the end of the projects, we could try and release some XOOPS htmlarea patch that someone could run and promote XOOPS to WUSIWYG editing...

I wishyou good luck...

P.S. has anyone managed to create a searchable image manager that is able to work with htmlarea or could easily be adopted? Thanks...

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 21:11

  • tzvook

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It's the first time I see someone integrated XOOPS and htmlarea, you've got a point kotis - if you want to integrate it 4 the whole system, you need to give up the bbcode and icons (would be replaced by the htmlarea icons and the wysiwyg), but each textarea must have an option in the admin to cancel htmlarea.

one more option - may be a different htmlarea options for every user group (very easy to do).
To my opinion, integrating htmlarea to XOOPS is work for the XOOPS devs to do in the new version (if they'll find it important enough).
all can be done now is to integrate it in a few moduls...

the only searchable image manager I saw there was made with asp crap.

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 22:30

  • Catzwolf

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Ouch! Its not that bad compared to some I have seen But you are right it would need a lot of work to bring it to the same standard as HTMLarea.

Yet saying that, as it has already been pointed out there are many things regarding HTMLarea that still need work done if to incorperate it into XOOPS (module or otherwise) and I wish this person much luck.

I did try and port this to WF-Sections and I did manage to get it to work (badly), but it would have required more work than I was willing to do just for a text editor.

While HTMLarea has many addon hacks etc, I found most of these where ASP in origin (Not PHP) which is a pity and version 1 does not (as far as I can see) work with anything but IE (version 3 is not stable enough).

These are the reason's that I have stayed with the WYSIWYG editor I am using, but I will say until a decent editor comes out (that does not require re-writing Xoops) I will stick with this one



PS: Thanks for your kind words m8

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 23:22

  • mvandam

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I am not too familiar with htmlarea, so I have a few questions.

As everyone is probably aware, it is a *huge* security risk to allow free HTML editing of content. What steps can you take with HTMLarea to:

- limit which tags are allowed (make sure 'script', 'frame', and some other ones aren't allowed)

- make sure tags are matched (i.e. you can go to "code" mode and type e.g but no ; this can mess up page layout)

- make sure tag attributes like onclick, onfocus etc.. can't be used to trigger malicious javascript

Personally I wouldn't be too comfortable if my users could freely edit with HTML. Either the tags need to be limited, or BB code is a safer choice. As for removing "allow HTML", maybe it is better to leave it in... that way if 'allow HTML' is set, then the HTMLarea is used; otherwise a standard textarea is used. Also why not support *both* BB code and HTML editing. That way you can still allow BB code where you have select to not allow HTML editing.

Just some thoughts...

Re: htmlArea - WYSIWYG editor
  • 2003/7/23 23:40

  • tzvook

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yep, youv'e got a point - html editing might be a security hazard, but so does a lot of moduls I saw here...
But the way I use wysiwyg mostely, is not giving it to plain users, but to the editors/moderators.
if you want to controll users with htmlarea, you may "give them" a siplier version of the script without "code mode" and without images/files manipulation.

and if you want to go some more into it - look @ LUIS's addon for striping WORD code on the fly (paste comm.) - it can be used for whatever code you need to strip.

every good cms uses wysiwyg !!!
xoops simply need to choose it's wysiwyg, choose how to limit the use of it, the option it gives and so on...
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