What to do with config.re
captcha.php ?
I have the private and the public code from GOOGLE.
I supose to imput over here in this ?
return $config = array(
'private_key' => '',
'public_key' => '',
'theme' => 'white', // 'red' | 'white' | 'blackglass' | 'clean' | 'custom'
'lang' => _LANGCODE
AND ?? Do we have to put in ??? or change somewhere els in xoops??
1. I have protector on, filled in like it should be,
2. I have in to
register the capcha, 8-6= and so on....
But today I recieved again 500 emails spambot grrrrrr
Help please what to do more??
Thank you all
xoops 2.5.7