User Administraton (Profile)
  • 2011/2/14 0:18

  • Balzac

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2010/1/11

Xoops 2.5

Activate/deactivate users:
http://XXXX/XXXX/modules/profile/admin/user.php . Only in this section you are able to activate or deactivate a member!
Unfortunately this setting isn't available from the admin: http://XXX/XXX/modules/system/admin.php?

Why is this option missing in this admin area?

Although the user is/has been deactive/deactivated, why is there a green arrow within the profile-icon within the field 'Action' (alt text icon: 'only active users'). Shouldn't this be a red one? After all, this user is/has been deactive/deactivated! Now it looks as if the member is active which in fact he isn't!
If you push this icon the user gets synchronised which means he gets active. Huh? This isn't what I want! To my understanding Synchronise doen't mean activate the user!
Unfortunately you cannot deactivate the user(s) back again to push that button (icon changed into round yellow arrow)again.

BTW: If a user has been deactivated, can this user ask for a new activation code? Or can he only be activated back again by the admin?

Query: Moving a bunch of selected users into another group:
Why isn't there a query selection to move a bunch of selected users into another group? Now you only can: delete, send mail or edit groups. I cannot find the place where I can move more than one user at a time into another group.
Also, why isn't there a query option to deactivate/activate selected users?

By the way, after trying several times the function 'edit groups' -> add/delete group doesn't work.

Why has the function within modules/profile/include/forms.php, prox line 426 'profile_MA_Disable' been commented out? Doesn't
this function work if it gets uncommented?
What is/should be the difference between inactive/disable ?
$level_radio = new XoopsFormRadio(_PROFILE_MA_USERLEVEL'level'$user->getVar('level'));
//$level_radio->addOption(-1, _PROFILE_MA_DISABLED);
$elements[0][] = array('element' => $level_radio'required' => 0);
$weights[0][] = 0;

Unless I am doing things wrong, or am fuzzling within the wrong area, to be honest, this whole user administration section within 2.5 is a worse case scenario.

Re: User Administraton (Profile)
  • 2011/2/16 23:36

  • Balzac

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2010/1/11


Re: User Administraton (Profile)

I had issues with the stuff for moving members in and out of groups. When I turned on the debug I was getting an error message that was cured by changing a query statement to a queryf. Would run the code but didn't show anything.. And no one actually moved.. Until I turned on the debug and got an error message...

Some of that looks like bugs with 2.5 and should be mentioned in the "bugs in 2.5" threads.. There are like 5 different threads now about issues with 2.5. You should find one of those threads that is actually followed by the core coders and ask there.


Re: User Administraton (Profile)
  • 2011/2/17 8:36

  • Balzac

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2010/1/11


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