wfsection is killing me. Help?!?
  • 2004/2/4 4:05

  • jfernau

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2003/12/29

I am trying to set up a website for my church using xoops. The ultimate goal is for the church staff to be able to update the site on their own for the most part.

What I need is a module that they can use to create static pages using a wysiwyg editor in their browser. From what I read in this forum, wfsection was the way to go.

I have it installed, and am trying to create a page. My #1 problem is inserting a picture. I have tried putting the images in just about every directory, and have tried every path I can think of to get to them, both relative and absolute. All I manage to get is a little red "X". It's driving me absolutely nuts. Also, when I saved the page to see where it was located so that maybe I could put the pics in the same directory, I couldn't find it. Is everything stored in the db?

As you can see, I am majorly confused. Maybe I'm not even using the right module for what I need to do. Can someone either help me get this working, or suggest a module that will serve my purposes better, before I pull out what little hair I have left?



Re: wfsection is killing me. Help?!?
  • 2004/2/4 7:05

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

Greetings John,

1. Where are you storing the images?
2. In WF-SECTION, switch from WYSIWYG mode to editHTML. Copy the section where you have the image code and paste them here (unless you can see the error yourself)

I've got images working in WF-sections w/o problem.

Bless ya.

Re: wfsection is killing me. Help?!?
  • 2004/2/4 12:27

  • jfernau

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2003/12/29


Thanks! All I needed was to see a page with a graphic on it to see how the path appeared in the code. You used an absolute path to your picture. I tried that, but started with "www" instead of "http://www". Made all the difference in the world.

I guess it can't handle relative urls (starting from the wfsection directory, the html directory, or anywhere else I could think to start from, which is fine, as long as I can get it to work.

As a backup plan, I uploaded the lateset c-jay content last night. I may play with that as well, to see which offers the most flexibility. Personally, I'd much rather build my own html and wrap it with something like c-jay or freecontent, but I have to make something that someone can modify and update through the browser, so here I am.

Thank you once again. I hate going to bed at night on the losing end of a battle, but at least today has a much better chance of being a good day, thanks to you.


PS. I've been following the threads concerning your site. You've done an excellent job. I started to show your site to my pastor, but then had second thoughts, because I was afraid it would raise his expectation levels a little too high.

Re: wfsection is killing me. Help?!?
  • 2004/2/4 18:40

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

LOL John, you should have seen my first beta XOOPS site for the church hehehe.

I've got a good designer to work with me. While he's not a web programmer he does have a good eye for color and stuff like that.

Maybe you can ask for someone with design background to help you. If he/she could knock together a framework it could be easily accomodated within XOOPS. If you need help with the theme just let me know.

It's a public holiday tomorrow in NZ and I'll see if I can package my theme for download.

Bless ya.


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