one exists, the other is only in planning?
2.0.10 is a security-enhancing release without additional features than behind-the-scenes security.
The plan for 2.1.0 is not 100% done, but apart from fixing the brotherpart of the reported bugs on sourceforge, these new features should be there:
- PM extension (Wanikoo's hack)
- LDAP Auth (Mercibe's hack)
- Dynamic User Profiles
- Administration area (Based on adminarea revisited)
- Groups administration (Julian Egelstaff/Freeform solutions basis)
- Enhanced error handling
XOOPS 2.1 will be the development release (comparable to alpha and beta stages) before 2.2 that will be the stable version with the named features and fixes.
A better roadmap will be published as soon as we have decided on the format for it, but I hope for first 2.1 release (there will be multiple of these - as we can see with the 2.0.10 beta releases, there is always SOMETHING that messes up in the first releases) during May with 2.2 being ready some time in late June.